Ameerempirelimited Review – Reasons to Drop this Broker

Ameerempirelimited Review

Everyone who wants to engage in online trading knows that they need the services of a broker to do so and they are likely to have their own priorities. Some people want to trade specific instruments and they want to ensure the broker offers them.

Others may want an advanced platform, or tight spreads, good customer support and so on. But, there is one requirement that every trader will have; an authentic and legitimate brokerage. Not all companies fall in this category, as this Ameerempirelimited review will show, so you have to be extremely careful.

After all, there have been too many scams and frauds happening in the trading world and these criminals usually present themselves as brokerages in order to fool people and con them out of their hard-earned money.

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With the internet and the technology you can access, it is not that difficult to set up a website and make a bunch of claims and this is exactly how these companies operate. Plus, they also count on the fact that most people will be drawn it when they make big claims and offer lucrative features.

The promise of high profits may be one of the oldest tricks in the book, but people still fall for it because who does not want to earn big? Rather than believing everything you find, it is best for you to do your own research into a broker because it can save you from making a giant blunder and also allow you to trade profitably in the long run.

Isn’t that what you want? One of the companies that deserve a closer look is Ameerempirelimited, which makes some very impressive claims.

The website is attractive enough and then you add the regulatory claims, which makes Ameerempirelimited a solid option. But, when you research a bit, you will find plenty of reasons to drop this broker. What are they? Check them out below:

Ameerempirelimited online scam broker review

Reason 1: It is lying about its regulation

A regulated broker will always be a better choice than an unregulated one because the former can offer you safety of funds, quality services, transparency and accountability. The latter, on the other hand, is accountable to no one, so they can do whatever they want. This leaves you vulnerable and you want to avoid that, so it is best to stick with a regulated platform.

Nonetheless, you should know that there is a difference between claiming to be regulated and being actually regulated and Ameerempirelimited falls in the second category.

When you come across its offerings, you will find that it boasts about operating from the United States and having a license from several regulators. Oddly enough, none of these are the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA) that oversee brokerages in the US.

This means that Ameerempirelimited does not have permission to operate in the US at all. There is also a certificate of Incorporation on the broker’s website that puts it in the UK, but this cannot substitute a license, so it is worthless.

It only shows that it is registered in the UK as a company, but it would have to have a license from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to operate there, which it does not have.

The other certificates that you will find on the Ameerempirelimited website are from the Blockchain Council, the Academy of Financial Trading and the Financial Commission.

These entities are not authorized to license brokers and are typically used by scam brokers when they want to appear licensed. Essentially, all of this proves that Ameerempirelimited is not licensed, or regulated and is outright lying about it, which is an excellent reason to drop this brokerage.

Reason 2: It does not have a functional trading platform

How do you execute your trades online? This is where a trading platform is needed and the brokerage you sign up with will provide you access to one.

There are different types of trading platforms that exist in the market and the platform you are given will be at the discretion of the broker you choose. But, you would obviously want a functional trading platform.

Sadly, you will not find one available at Ameerempirelimited because all it has to offer are a bunch of charts. These track different markets and have been taken from TradingView, which you can also access over the internet without paying for them.

So, why would you open an account with Ameerempirelimited to access them? Of course you wouldn’t, so it is best to not do so at all.

Reason 3: It has excessive leverage

A look at the leverage ratios that Ameerempirelimited offers is another reason for you to drop the brokerage. Retail traders are given leverage as high as 1:500, which can be suicidal for them. Bear in mind that leverage is a double-edged sword.

Sure, you can make big trades that can lead to high profits, but if things don’t go your way, high losses are also a possibility. Many regulatory authorities like the FCA in the UK have imposed a cap on the maximum leverage that can be offered, which is about 1:30, but Ameerempirelimited is breaking all the rules.

Reason 4: It lies about its payment methods

When you check out the payment methods that are available at Ameerempirelimited, you will discover that it claims to offer you Skrill, wire transfer and Bitcoin as options.

But, this is another lie you are told because if you try to use Skrill or wire transfer, you will not be able to do so. Instead, you are informed to ask the brokerage for payment details.

This is not something a genuine platform would do and the chances are that you will only be able to deposit in Bitcoin, a method that will be final and without the possibility of chargeback. Hence, once you deposit money with Ameerempirelimited, you cannot get a refund.

The Verdict

These are very strong reasons for you to drop Ameerempirelimited from your list of options because the broker is not one that can be trusted.

How To Get Your Money Back?

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