Online Justice Review ( SCAM – Don’t Get Duped Twice!

Online Justice (
  • Recovery Agency Score


It is best for you to not fall for the claims of this scam recovery service because Online Justice are just trying to take advantage of your desperation to dupe you again.

Online Justice Scam (

Even though online scams are very common and most people know that they happen, it can hit different when you find out you are the victim. It can take a toll on you in several ways and most people will be desperate to do anything to get back what they have lost. This is where scam recovery and refund services can be handy, but not all of these are good ones. In fact, there are recovery and refund scams that have become quite widespread and are only trying to exploit your vulnerability, as this Online Justice ( review shows. 

Online Justice ( - SCAM!
Online Justice ( – SCAM!

All they want to do is charge you for bogus services and such insidious double scams have become very common these days. The problem is that they know just what tricks to use, which means you need to be extremely cautious when you are thinking of using a scam recovery service. On the surface, they may appear to be quite legit, but the story can be quite different. This is what you will discover about Online Justice ( that presents itself as a scam recovery service dedicated to helping victims in recovering their funds. But, when you take a closer look, you will find that it is just trying to dupe you again. How? Let’s find out: 

The fee 

It is understood that no one is going to provide you a service for free and this also applies to Online Justice ( They claim to help you recover funds from online scams, so obviously they will charge money, but how much? This is the question you need to ask and this is where you will come across the first problem with Online Justice. It claims to ask for a small registration fee upfront in order to begin the recovery process on your behalf and the remaining fee is due once the recovery is made. 

As reassuring as it sounds, you will be shocked to discover the amount that Online Justice asks for to recover your funds. First off, the fact that they are not transparent about their fee is a problem and then when they do disclose, it is a substantial figure, especially considering that you may not be able to recover funds at all. 

The process 

Another problem that you will find at Online Justice is the fact that they do not provide any information about how they will recover your funds. They just talk about having the best team that comprises of professionals who are familiar with how scams and operate and have ‘connections’ they can use to help you get back your funds. 

But, you should be aware that this is just a trick that scam recovery companies are known to use. They claim to have contacts in government agencies to help recover funds, but this is all just a ruse and Online Justice is using that as well. The reason they do not disclose their process is because there is no process. All they are after is your money. 

The support 

Even though they claim to give you updates about the progress of your case and offer 24/7 customer support to answer your queries and concerns, Online Justice does not live up to any of them. They have given an email address to contact their agents, but you will not receive any response. Likewise, if you try to use the phone number provided, there will be no answer.  

They have just provided the email address and phone number to create the illusion of support and nothing more. Instead, there will be no way for you to reach out to the Online Justice team after you have paid your fee, which makes it clear that you have been duped again. 

Bottom Line 

Keeping these issues with Online Justice in mind, it is best for you to not fall for the claims of this scam recovery service because they are just trying to take advantage of your desperation to dupe you again.  

How To Get Your Money Back?

Get your money back from scammers!
Fill the contact form information on the page in this link and you can get the assistance you want in order to return your stolen money! You will be helped through the entire refund operation by the help line of a recommended money recovery service after which a client file will be opened for you by a personal case manager.

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