CTDLX Review – The Many Problems you will Find

CTDLX Review

CTDLX logoLooking for an online broker? You are not the only one who wants to try their luck in the financial markets. Millions of people all across the globe are trying to tap into the available opportunities and this has resulted in an increased demand for online brokers.

There are thousands of companies that have been introduced for providing people trading services, but quantity is no guarantee of quality, as scam brokers have also proliferated the market. Their appearance is completely different from reality and this CTDLX review can shed some light on how they operate.

Most people do know that there are scam platforms in the market, but they are not aware of how exactly they work due to which they don’t realize that they have opted for one until it is too late.

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They are under the misconception that scams would appear to be lacking in some way that would make it obvious what they are, but this is definitely not the case. These days, a number of fraudulent brokerages and genuine ones look quite similar on the surface, so you cannot make a decision based on appearance or offerings alone.

Instead, you have to check their offerings closely to discover the truth because scam platforms will not be able to deliver on what they promise, while legitimate ones will certainly do so. This can be helpful because it will enable you to select a brokerage that can offer you the most features in one place.

One of the companies you will come across when you are searching for a brokerage is CTDLX that presents itself with a forex and CFD brokerage, offering you access to a wide variety of instruments.

Their offerings can come off as quite appealing because CTDLX is promising segregated client funds, low spread and excellent trade execution, all in one place.

It sounds like the perfect opportunity for everyone, but you will discover the many problems it has when you look into its offerings closely. What problems will you find? Some of them are highlighted in this CTDLX review below.

CTDLX website

No regulation

The first and most important thing to check in an online brokerage is its regulation and licensing, which depends on where it is located. A legitimate company will have a proper license because it confirms its authenticity and adds credibility.

If the broker is regulated, you will know that it is compliant with rules and policies and can offer you quality services, but the same cannot be said for unregulated firms. These usually turn out to be scams, so the easiest way to avoid them is by opting for licensed brokers.

The problem with CTDLX is that it is a virtually anonymous broker and does not mention any form of licensing or regulation on its website. You will find absolutely no information about where it is based because there is no corporate background, or address given.

There are just a couple of obscure phone numbers and email addresses that do not establish the credibility of the brokerage. The only hint that you get is on its website where it mentions that it is a good choice for European beginner traders.

This implies that it is operating from somewhere in Europe, but it is highly unlikely because CTDLX offers trading bonuses that are not permitted anywhere in the continent and the leverage ratios it offers are also higher than permitted.

To put it simply, you are dealing with an unlicensed broker that you know nothing about and can up and disappear any time, which is exactly how scams operate.

Malicious bonus policy

You should immediately be alerted when you discover that CTDLX is offering trading bonuses because this practice is no longer common amongst genuine companies.

A lot of regulatory bodies have forbidden brokers from offering these bonuses to their clients because they come with conditions and strings that are considered exploitative and unfair to traders. But, you will still find them here and the problem is that they come with the conditions that resulted in their ban in the first place.

When you check the bonus policy at CTDLX, you will realize why it is downright malicious. It has the infamous non-deposited funds clause, which states that profits traders make from bonuses are not eligible for withdrawals.

The issue is that there is no way to distinguish profits generated from your own deposits and those from the bonuses you receive.

Thus, there will be no withdrawals at all and even if you want to, there is a minimum trading volume requirement to be fulfilled. This requirement is so high that it is almost impossible to achieve, which means you will not be able to access your funds.

No professional platform

It continues to get worse when you check the offerings of CTDLX because it becomes apparent that it is nothing as advertised. The trading platform is the next offering you need to check and this is when you will find out that you are given access to a basic web trader that has absolutely nothing special to offer to you.

Considering that this feature is vital to your trading experience, you would expect a professional solution like the MT4 and the MT5, but CTDLX only gives you a lackluster platform to use.

Terrible trading conditions

The trading conditions that a brokerage offers to you have an impact on the profits you get to take home, so they are extremely relevant in your decision to choose a particular brokerage. You will be disappointed with CTDLX in this regard because even though it claims to have low spreads, they start at 3 pips, which are just too high.

As a matter of fact, most online brokerages will offer you spreads less than 1 pip. Furthermore, the leverage that CTDLX is offering goes as high as 1:200 and such ratios are considered extremely dangerous for traders because they can also lead to losses.

Final Word

The problems that you discover in CTDLX when you check out its offerings make it apparent that the brokerage is nothing more than a scam.

How To Get Your Money Back?

Get your money back from scammers!
Fill the contact form information on the page in this link and you can get the assistance you want in order to return your stolen money! You will be helped through the entire refund operation by the help line of a recommended money recovery service after which a client file will be opened for you by a personal case manager.

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