T&H Consulting Review (tandhconsult.com) SCAM – Don’t Get Duped Twice!

T&H Consulting (tandhconsult.com)
  • Recovery Agency Score


It is best for you to not fall for the claims of this scam recovery service because T&H Consulting are just trying to take advantage of your desperation to dupe you again.

T&H Consulting Review

T&H Consulting logoYou will discover the phenomenon of refund and recovery services after you have become a victim of some type of scam and are looking for a way to get your money back. It sounds futile, but you do not want to give up and your search will lead you to these services. Do these truly exist? Yes, they do, but they are not always authentic and this is what you need to be prepared for. You will see through this T&H Consulting review that not all recovery services out there are genuine. As a matter of fact, some of these are also scams that are just looking to make a quick buck from the desperation of victims.

No one wants to lose their money yet again and this means that you have to be immensely careful when you are shopping for a recovery service. This means taking everything you find with a grain of salt because the scammers will try their best to convince you to believe their farce. This is precisely what T&H Consulting tries to accomplish and if you are not careful enough, it just might do so. The first look at T&H Consulting shows you a scam recovery service prepared to help the victims in recovering their hard-earned money.

T&H Consulting

But, is it legitimate or scam? You will find the truth about T&H Consulting here:

The company

When you are thinking of hiring a scam recovery service, the first thing you should do is look into the company. Where is it based? When was it founded? How much experience does it have? There are a ton of questions you need to ask about the company to determine its legitimacy. Unfortunately, you will only have questions about T&H Consulting and no answers.

This is because when you go through the T&H Consulting website, you will find that it is devoid of any company information. It claims to have a few years of experience, but there is no address or any other background given. There are just vague statements about a professional team, but no names or other details that can be verified. To put it simply, it is anonymous.

The claims

The best thing about the internet is that anyone can claim anything, but that does not make it true. You will find the same in the case of T&H Consulting because it claims to offer you quick recovery services. However, you will come to know that they do not provide you a timeline. Likewise, they claim to have a proper process for recovering your funds, but there is no information provided about it either.

Other claims about T&H Consulting include lots of satisfied clients, but you will not be able to connect with any of the ones they have mentioned on their website. They claim to have reasonable pricing, but there is no mention of any charges or estimates.

The fee

You need to know exactly how much it will cost when you decide to use a scam recovery service and this applies to T&H Consulting as well. But, this is where you will face trouble. As mentioned above, there is no mention of the exact charges that you will have to pay to T&H Consulting. All it says is that its fee is reasonable, but you will find later that it is very high.

It is not just the amount that is the problem, but also that T&H Consulting expects you to pay it upfront. They also have commission that they will claim on recovery, but the upfront fee is quite high.

The process

Lastly, you will find that T&H Consulting wants you to share your personal and confidential information with them and this is not something a legitimate company would ever do. Scammers, on the other hand, ask you for these details to exploit you further.

Final Verdict

Once you have checked out T&H Consulting carefully, you can conclude that it is just another scam and not an actual recovery service.

How To Get Your Money Back?

Get your money back from scammers!
Fill the contact form information on the page in this link and you can get the assistance you want in order to return your stolen money! You will be helped through the entire refund operation by the help line of a recommended money recovery service after which a client file will be opened for you by a personal case manager.

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