Belcher Investment Review – Can you Trust this Broker?

Belcher Investment Review

Belcher Investment logoWhen you are starting your online trading journey, you should bear in mind that the broker you decide to open an account with is going to play a big role in your experience. Many people make the mistake of focusing more on what they are going to trade and their strategies rather than the company they are partnering with and come to regret their decision. You have to remember that it is the broker that offers you access to the market, the trading platform you use for everything trading-related and also charge the fees and other costs. It is a big decision and one that should not be made without doing your homework, which involves reading this Belcher Investment review.

Whenever you are making a big purchase that requires you to spend your money, you obviously spend your time researching your options to find the most appropriate choice. The case of choosing a brokerage should be no different because you will be sinking a great deal of your money when you trade and it will be the broker you entrust with the responsibility of keeping it safe. The internet is not a safe place and there have been an endless number of scams and frauds, which means you can never be too cautious.

This caution also needs to be exercised when you are looking for an online broker because these scammers are also rampant in this space. As a matter of fact, you will discover that there are thousands of people who became victims of bogus brokers and trading platforms. How does this happen? It is simply because these cybercriminals deliberately create a package that people find hard to resist. They design their offerings to tempt traders and draw their attention and most people do not realize they are falling into a trap.

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Belcher Investment website

You will find Belcher Investment to be a perfect example of such a brokerage, as it has presented itself as a forex and CFD broker operating globally and offering seamless and transparent access to more than 40,000 trading instruments in the markets. It claims to have ultra-competitive spreads and a state-of-the-art trading platform. Moreover, it has also made impressive regulation claims and boasts of offices in various jurisdictions, including the UK, the United States and New Zealand. All of this sounds quite impressive, but when you do your homework, the story falls apart. How? Find out below:

False regulation claims

The regulatory status and licensing of an online brokerage is its most valuable asset, so you would obviously want to deal with a company that has a license and is properly regulated. The reason Belcher Investment is able to catch the attention of people is because it claims to be regulated by one of the world’s most renowned regulatory bodies i.e. the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The FCA is the regulatory authority for UK and a license from it is considered immensely valuable because it is one of the strictest regulators that have very high standards. You will find that Belcher Investment offers a license number for you to verify with the FCA. However, when you check their online register, you will discover that the license number belongs to Barclays Capital Securities Limited. But, the company that owns and operates Belcher Investment is known as Belcher Investments Markets Ltd.

This means that Belcher Investment is pulling off what is known as a clone scam in which companies use the details and information of a legitimate company to appear authentic. In addition, you can check the regulatory authorities for the US i.e. the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA) and you will not find the broker listed. The same applies to the regulatory body in New Zealand.

This is all the proof you need that Belcher Investment is not a legitimate or reliable brokerage for that matter and is only presenting a front to trap people.

No trading platform

One of the most crucial offerings of an online brokerage is the trading platform they provide because there can be no trading without this software. It is used to connect to the financial market and executes trades in real-time. When you go through Belcher Investment’s offerings, you will be promised a multi-asset, award-winning trading platform and this is very encouraging.

Unfortunately, you will discover that this is just a big claim because Belcher Investment does not seem to be offering a trading platform at all. When you go through their website, all you will find is a funny looking dashboard that does not really do anything. You will be transferred to it once you have completed your registration and it becomes apparent that the only purpose of this dashboard is to propel the illusion of a platform.

The dashboard that Belcher Investment offers does not give you the option of making trades; you can only make a deposit, which is the only thing that the brokerage is after. Professional and authentic companies, on the other hand, usually offer their client reputable trading platforms like the MT4 and the MT5, which are equipped with state-of-the-art trading tools and features and advanced technology as well. You will be disappointed if you were expecting the same from Belcher Investment.

Only crypto payments supported

You will be expected to make deposits and withdrawals when you are using a broker’s services, which means taking a look at the payment methods they support is also a must. It is understood that you want safe and convenient solutions to choose from, but Belcher Investment only seems to be supporting crypto payments. You will find that they are only accepting deposits in the form of bitcoin and ethereum, which is typical of scammers.

Why? This is due to the fact that crypto payments are final and irreversible. This means that you cannot file a chargeback and get your money back from Belcher Investment in case of a problem.


Once you do your homework, you can conclude that Belcher Investment is not a brokerage to be trusted with anything.

How To Get Your Money Back?

Get your money back from scammers!
Fill the contact form information on the page in this link and you can get the assistance you want in order to return your stolen money! You will be helped through the entire refund operation by the help line of a recommended money recovery service after which a client file will be opened for you by a personal case manager.

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