Investery Group Review – Highlighting its Flaws

Investery Group Review

Investery Group logoLooking for an online broker? They are your gateway into the online financial markets and provide the platform, tools and other features that are required for trading. A search on Google shows that the number of these companies has multiplied in the last few years, as more and more people turn to online trading. However, this does not mean that all of these platforms are the same. Some are truly exceptional, but others have lots of flaws, like the ones you find in this Investery Group review.

Of course, no company can be perfect and there will always be shortcomings, but not all of them are acceptable. Sure, you can compromise in some areas, but others are such that you just cannot live with. For instance, a low quality trading platform can affect your trading performance, so you do not want to opt for a brokerage that does not have a decent platform to offer. Likewise, some companies are not authentic at all; they are scammers disguised as brokers and trying to con you out of your money.

Indeed, the number of such fraudulent platforms has also increased significantly and you can find a ton of stories of people who have suffered at the hands of these criminals. Do you want to be another number? No one wants to lose their hard-earned money this way, but you have to remember that whether it happens to you, or not will depend on your choice of a broker.

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When you have to pick a platform, you need to do some research in order to find a company that can offer you everything you need and is authentic as well. The flaws should not make you doubt its legitimacy and this applies to Investery Group too. At first glance, you will find the platform very appealing, but a closer look shows that it has a ton of flaws that cannot be overlooked. What are they? Check them out here.

Investery Group website

Fake licensing and regulation claims

What is the easiest way to distinguish between genuine and scam platforms? It is their licensing and regulation, as a company authorized by a regulatory organization offers quality services that have to meet certain standards. They can also offer you protections and safety and can be held accountable, which cannot happen in the case of unregulated brokers. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that most scam companies fall in the latter category.

What about Investery Group? A look at their website shows that they claim to be regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), which is one of the top regulatory authorities in the world. However, this is just a false claim and nothing more because they are breaking a lot of rules of the CySEC in their offerings.

First off, you will find that Investery Group offers forbidden, which are not permitted in the European Union, including Cyprus. Secondly, the leverage ratios they offer are also higher than the cap that has been imposed for retail traders in the European Union.

If all of this was not enough, then you will also find that a warning has also been issued by BaFin, the German regulator, about Investery Group and this is a huge black mark for the broker. It essentially confirms that it is lying about its licensing and regulation and is definitely not an authentic platform, or else there would not be any warning.

Malicious bonus policy

As mentioned above, Investery Group is offering bonuses to its clients, which is not permitted in the European Union and a number of other jurisdictions. This is because these bonuses usually come with strings attached that are not fair to the traders. In fact, they are downright exploitative and this prompted regulatory authorities to ban the practice altogether.

Yet, Investery Group still appears to be offering these bonuses to these clients and their malicious bonus policy makes it apparent why they were banned in the first place. The purpose is to prevent clients from accessing their money and this is exactly what their policy does. It states that there is a turnover requirement that has to be fulfilled before traders can withdraw their money.

The problem with these requirements is that they are deliberately kept so high that it is often impossible for traders to achieve them. This is the whole point of the bonus policy at Investery Group as well.

No professional trading platform

The trading platform offered by a brokerage is also of the utmost importance because it is through this software that you execute trades and it provides you the tools needed for making decisions. Hence, it makes a world of difference in your trading experience, so you need to check the platform that Investery Group can offer.

A quick look shows that they have a web trading platform available, which is very basic and does not offer the features and tools that you can find on professional platforms like the MT4, MT5, or the cTrader. You will be disappointed to see that Investery Group does not offer you a professional platform and its web platform is overly-simplistic and does not have anything special to offer.

High minimum deposit

Another flaw that you will come across at Investery Group is with their minimum deposit. They are asking for a deposit of $500 for opening the most basic account and this is on the high side. These days, most brokers are allowing their clients to open accounts for as low as $10.

Even if the standard amount is required, it should not be more than $200 to $250, yet Investery Group is asking for twice that, which shows that they do not have good intentions. Their goal is to get their clients to deposit as much as possible in the first go, so they can steal the funds.

Final Thoughts

Along with these flaws, the excessive leverage of 1:100 also adds to the problems with Investery Group and shows why you need to avoid it altogether.

How To Get Your Money Back?

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Fill the contact form information on the page in this link and you can get the assistance you want in order to return your stolen money! You will be helped through the entire refund operation by the help line of a recommended money recovery service after which a client file will be opened for you by a personal case manager.

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