Digital Capital Review – Are you Making the Right Choice?

Digital Capital Review

Digital Capital logoOnline trading has become the talk of town, all because of its accessibility and benefits. You can start trading from anywhere and anytime and not need a hefty capital. Of course, signing up with a broker is essential because they open all the doors for you and this step is where most people stumble. Why? It is because when you begin searching for a broker, you will realize that there are literally hundreds of them to be found. How do you choose one? It is a dilemma and one you can solve with this Digital Capital review.

Yes, it is tempting to just throw caution out of the window and opt for the first broker that pops up on your screen. But, you have to remember that this has consequences because not all brokers will turn out to be trustworthy. As a matter of fact, there have been a number of scam brokerages that have stolen the hard-earned money and personal information of many people who made the same mistake. It is a mistake that people can make with Digital Capital as well because this brokerage has done a good job of imitating a legitimate and reliable platform.

A look at Digital Capital indicates that they are offering a variety of forex currency pairs and CFDs to their clients, along with a browser-based platform. Moreover, they are promising a superior trading experience that will provide you the financial freedom you need. It is easy to make such promises because you can make a website easily and add whatever content you want. But, actually delivering what you are promising is easier said than done. This will become obvious when you check out this Digital Capital review:

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Digital Capital website

Licensing and Regulation

When you want to check a broker thoroughly, it is recommended that you begin with their licensing and regulation. After all, if they have gone through the process of getting a license and obtaining proper regulatory status, they are definitely worth trusting. Most of the scam brokers are those that either lack a license, or are unregulated, so it is best to avoid them altogether. With Digital Capital, what people discover soon enough is that they offer absolutely no information on their website.

You can go through their entire presentation, but nowhere have they bothered to share the name of the company behind Digital Capital. They provide no details about where they are based either, so you cannot check their regulatory status. Most importantly, even a contact number is missing. The only clue they have left about their whereabouts is in their Terms and Conditions, where they have made a mention about Estonian governing laws.

Other than that, you will not find any helpful information on the Digital Capital website, which means opening an account with them will put your money at risk and leave you vulnerable to exploitation.

Terms and Conditions

It is understood that when you are signing up with a broker, you want to trade in the financial markets and make profits. You also want to be able to withdraw these profits at some point and the broker should facilitate you in this aspect as well. Unfortunately, you will find that Digital Capital is the complete opposite because they have set conditions that don’t let people make any withdrawals from their platform.

If you go through the Terms and Conditions mentioned on the Digital Capital website, you will notice that they have minimum trading volume requirements that you have to meet in order to be considered eligible for a withdrawal. If you don’t fulfill these conditions, you will be charged a 10% levy and still not be allowed to withdraw.

Another problem you will come across is that of non-deposited funds, a clause that’s a favorite of scammers because it allows them to box people in. As per this clause, you can only withdraw profits made from your own deposits and not from the ones generated via the bonus provided to you by Digital Capital until you meet trading volume requirements. The issue is that there is no way to physically distinguish between the funds because they are deposited in the same account, so it means that you will not be able to withdraw.

Moving on, you will also find that Digital Capital wants you to download AnyDesk on your device, which is a notorious third-party software. If you follow through, you will essentially be providing the broker with access to your PC, along with all its content. These include personal and banking information, such as your account details and passwords that you may have stored. This will provide scammers the opportunity to steal money from your bank account as well.

Trading Platform

The most important offering of any brokerage is their trading platform and here you expect Digital Capital to offer you a good one, considering that they promise a superior trading experience. Sadly, you will be left disappointed because they offer a primitive browser-based platform that has nothing special to offer. In fact, you will come to know that most scam brokers offer a web-based platform, but legitimate and reliable platforms will offer you the MT4 or the MT5, which are recognized as the leading choices in the market.


Checking the available leverage is also recommended because your profits depend on the trading conditions you are provided. You will find that Digital Capital offers leverage between 1:100 and 1:500 and the default leverage is 1:200. While this may seem impressive, you should remember that it is significantly higher than what regulators typically allow brokers to offer. This is basically confirmation that Digital Capital is not a regulated platform, or else it wouldn’t be offering such excessive leverage to its clients.

Closing Thoughts

Taking a look at the problems with Digital Capital and the red flags in its offerings, it is not difficult to realize that it is not a good broker. Hence, you are certainly not making the right choice by signing up with Digital Capital.

How To Get Your Money Back?

Get your money back from scammers!
Fill the contact form information on the page in this link and you can get the assistance you want in order to return your stolen money! You will be helped through the entire refund operation by the help line of a recommended money recovery service after which a client file will be opened for you by a personal case manager.

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